Thursday, September 6, 2007

Post New Hampshire Debate Comments

The NH Debate was a good one again for the Governor. He struggled with the initial part of his answer regarding immigration and racism. Otherwise, he once again was articulate and passionate. I wish some of the candidates would pull out, to allow more questions for the serious contenders. And, I wish the questioners would come up with different topics. They continue to ask about the war, immigration, abortion, get this, torture. Why do they not ask Democrats these questions and why don't they ask Republicans the domestic questions?
Mike's best answer regarded the Fair Tax. His best moment was the spirited interaction with Ron Paul.
I will be on the phone this a.m. with a blogger conference call. Mike talks to all bloggers and allows questions from several during the call. Maybe I'll get to talk to him personally.


Webmaster said...

Huckabee is the media's new waterboy. Huckabee = controlled and therefore acceptable.

Because Ron Paul is winning polls all over the country, polls of real people who come out to vote for him, they are scared and must proffer another 'breakout' person who is acceptable to them.

Thus you had the phony vote in Iowa.

Don't worry we are on to this. We aren't switching to Huck anytime soon.

Stephen R. Maloney said...

Ron Paul is so far out on the lunatic fringe that he's about to fall off the edge.

. "Even if we lose elections we should not lose our honor. And that is more important than the Republican party." -- Mike Huckabee

A long-time and seemingly committed Blogger for Huckabee has withdrawn his support for Mike. That is his right, but I believe he's making statements about Mike -- and, frankly, about me -- that are misleading (to say the least). I devoted my column today to the subject, and I want all backers of Mike (and of Mike heading a ticket with Gov. Sarah Palin in the second spot) to know that I have the highest regard for Gov. Huckabee. Thanks.

steve maloney

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how Ron's fans are so organized they take the same online polls over and over to manipulate the outcome and look for bloggs about Huck to blast. They must really be worried. I do admire their passion however. While I don't agree with every little thing Huck says, I think he's a great candidate with a real desire to serve the people and not himself. Go HUCK!