Thursday, August 30, 2007

Poll Surge

The polls are rising. The media are calling. The first tiers are fading. I love it when a plan comes together. Our guy is coming up fast on the outside. (Conveniently, the outside is on the RIGHT in racing.) Go Mike!

Fred Thompson is planning to announce his candidacy the day after the debate. This is probably scheduled to overshadow the debate coverage, a debate he has cleverly avoided. I like Fred, but the qualifications of Gov. Huckabe exceed Fred's. Sen. Thompson hasn't the executive experience of Mike. The senator is a good actor, but I'm not sure he will be as cool under fire from someone like Chris Matthews.

One part of the presidential campaign will give trouble to almost all Republican candidates. The debate with Hillary Clinton. She appear to be the odds-on favorite. A man debating a woman will cause difficulties unseen in a presidential race. Will the man appear to beat up on the woman? Will he be seen as dismissive or condescending? Every voter will see it from a different perspective. I believe that Mike Huckabee has the personality, confidence, and humility to win that debate.

Has there ever been a more likable candidate?

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Indianapolis Speech

After watching the speeches from Indianapolis, I am no longer concerned about Fred Thompson's candidacy. Anyone watching, other than a die-hard Thompson supporter, would have to admit Mike's speech was entertaining, informative, passionate, and inspiring. Fred's was slow, faltering, and uninspiring. Mitt Romney continues to say some good things but in a plastic sort of way.
Mike is well on his way to bursting the aura of inevitability of Rudy, Fred, John, and Mitt. A great plus would be for a candidate (Sam, Tom, or even Fred) to drop out and support Mike. That would certainly propel Mike to the top tier in everyone's minds. So many columnists and media people have talked about how good Mike is but how impossible it would be for him to win. They will be wrong.
Check out National Review for the fine article on this week's cover guy, Mike Huckabee.
Looking forward to the New Hampshire debate on Sept. 5.

Sunday, August 5, 2007


Post-Debate Comments

Once again, Mike did well in the debate. Debates are so frustrating. The content is determined by the moderator and the format does not allow time for specific answers. Mike's responses were on point and he was not pulled into the conflicts between other candidates. His passion, knowledge, and wisdom always come through.
The Fair Tax received more attention than in the past (a good thing) but several candidates revealed a lack of understanding of how it would work (not a good thing).
In the great news category, Mike is now tied with McCain in an Iowa poll. A step at a time. A marathon, not a sprint. I believe Mike will pass Rudy and give Mitt a run. (Mitt has spent a fortune in Iowa).
In six days we will see.

Post-Debate Comments

Once again, Mike did well in the debate. Debates are so frustrating. The content is determined by the moderator and the format does not allow time for specific answers. Mike's responses were on point and he was not pulled into the conflicts between other candidates. His passion, knowledge, and wisdom always come through.
The Fair Tax received more attention than in the past (a good thing) but several candidates revealed a lack of understanding of how it would work (not a good thing).
In the great news category, Mike is now tied with McCain in an Iowa poll. A step at a time. A marathon, not a sprint. I believe Mike will pass Rudy and give Mitt a run. (Mitt has spent a fortune in Iowa).
In six days we will see.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

First blog EVER! This is way cool!

Mike Huckabee has caught my attention like no candidate since Reagan. His passion and compassion are tremendous. His spiritual humility is refreshing. He has not attacked other candidates, always treating them with respect. Mike is articulate, knowledgeable, and not easily flustered.

I don't know if anyone will read my blog but, if you do, I suggest you watch Mike on youtube. There are many videos and the ones most impressive are the ones with major media types. At the end of each interview, the interviewer seems to be thinking, "I like this guy."